FacilityForce: The Future of Facility Management Software

The Real Impact of Moving to Cloud-Based Facility Management

Written by Cole Turner | Aug 6, 2024 8:04:04 PM

Imagine waking up one day to find that the facility management software you’ve relied on for years is no longer supported, and your provider is pushing you to switch to their new cloud-based solution.

Your tried-and-true on-premise system will soon become obsolete, and transitioning to the cloud isn't just a recommendation—it's a necessity. As you grapple with the implications, the looming costs of migration, training, and potential disruptions to your operations begin to pile up, casting a shadow over the promised benefits of this forced digital leap. This isn't just a bad dream, it's reality for many organizations as one of the major facility management software providers is forcing the switch.

In light of this abrupt mandate, it might be time to reconsider your relationship with your current software provider. The forced migration not only brings significant financial burdens but also questions the flexibility and customer-centric approach of your provider. A provider that prioritizes its own agenda over your operational stability may not be the best partner in your quest for efficient facility management.

Exploring alternative solutions could open doors to more accommodating vendors who offer both on-premise and cloud options, giving you the freedom to transition at your own pace while still benefiting from modern technological advancements.

In this blog we will cover the implications of having to switch from on-premise to the cloud and why this would perfect time to switch providers. 

Table of Contents

The Burden of Having to Switch

Switching your facility management software from on-premise to the cloud can be a significant undertaking with several burdens that organizations need to consider. This is also a project that you cannot just put on the back burner as once they end support they will not be providing critical fixes, patches, or security updates. This means you are vulnerable to security risks, lacking access to critical updates and patches, and ultimately hindering your ability to optimize asset performance. The burdens underscore the complexity and potential pitfalls of a mandated shift to cloud-based facility management, highlighting the need for careful planning and resource allocation to navigate the transition successfully. 

Let's take a look at the potential burdens you could face...

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Financial Implications 

The financial implications of being forced to switch your facility management software to the cloud can be significant and far-reaching. Initially, organizations must brace for substantial costs associated with data migration, system customization, and integration with existing infrastructure. These upfront expenses are often compounded by the need for extensive staff training to ensure smooth adoption of the new system.

Beyond the initial outlay, ongoing subscription fees for cloud services can quickly accumulate, particularly with tiered pricing models that charge based on usage and storage. Hidden costs, such as increased bandwidth requirements, enhanced security measures, and compliance audits, can further strain budgets.

Additionally, the potential for unexpected overage charges as your organization scales and utilizes more resources can lead to unpredictable financial planning. This shift also introduces the risk of vendor lock-in, where future changes or migrations may incur significant costs, reducing financial flexibility. Overall, the transition to a cloud-based system demands a careful and comprehensive financial analysis to manage both immediate and ongoing expenses effectively.

Operational Disruption  

Beyond the financial strain, the forced switch to cloud-based facility management software can cause significant disruptions within an organization. The migration process itself often necessitates substantial downtime, interrupting daily operations and leading to productivity losses. Employees must adapt to new workflows and interfaces, which can initially slow down processes and create confusion.

The transition demands extensive training programs, diverting time and resources from regular tasks. Moreover, technical issues such as data integrity concerns and compatibility problems with existing systems can lead to further operational hiccups. Dependence on internet connectivity introduces the risk of latency and connectivity issues, potentially impacting the performance of critical functions. These disruptions can erode employee morale and customer satisfaction, emphasizing the need for meticulous planning and support to minimize the impact on the organization's workflow and service delivery.

Technical Challenges

Ensuring seamless data migration while maintaining data integrity is a complex task that requires careful planning and execution. Compatibility issues often arise, as the new cloud-based system must integrate with existing software and hardware infrastructure, necessitating potentially costly and time-consuming adjustments. Performance concerns, such as latency and internet connectivity reliability, can impact the system's efficiency and responsiveness, especially in locations with unstable internet access. Robust security measures are imperative to protect sensitive data during and after the migration, requiring additional investments in cybersecurity tools and practices.

Moreover, maintaining compliance with industry-specific regulations in a cloud environment can be challenging, necessitating regular audits and updates to security protocols. These technical hurdles require significant expertise and resources to overcome, highlighting the importance of thorough preparation and ongoing technical support to ensure a smooth and successful transition.

Is Now the Time to Switch Providers?

Given the considerable financial, operational, and technical challenges involved in switching from on-premise to cloud-based facility management software, it might be more advantageous to seek a new facility management system altogether. Opting for a new system allows organizations to evaluate providers that offer both on-premise and cloud options, giving them the flexibility to transition at their own pace.

Additionally, this approach provides an opportunity to choose a provider whose offerings align more closely with the organization's specific needs and budget, potentially avoiding vendor lock-in and ensuring better support and customization options. A thorough market assessment can uncover solutions with more favorable terms, modern features, and a stronger focus on customer service. This strategic move not only mitigates the risks and burdens associated with a forced migration but also positions the organization to benefit from a system that truly meets its long-term goals and operational requirements.


The forced migration from on-premise to cloud-based facility management software presents a multitude of challenges that can strain an organization’s financial resources, disrupt daily operations, and introduce significant technical complexities. The hidden costs, potential for operational downtime, and the myriad technical hurdles underscore the need for a careful and strategic approach to this transition. While cloud-based solutions offer numerous benefits, including scalability and modern features, the burdens associated with a mandated switch can be substantial.

Consequently, exploring alternative facility management systems that offer both flexibility and alignment with your specific needs may prove to be a more advantageous path. By carefully evaluating the market, organizations can find a solution that minimizes disruption, aligns with budgetary constraints, and supports long-term operational efficiency, ultimately ensuring a smoother and more controlled transition to modern facility management practices.


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