When it comes to managing your facilities, having the right software is crucial, but it’s only part of the equation. The quality of support and services you receive can make or break your experience, especially when dealing with complex systems like IBM Maximo.

Many organizations have found that while Maximo’s software might be powerful, its support services often leave much to be desired—leading to frustrating delays, unresolved issues, and a lack of personalized attention. If you’ve ever felt like just another ticket in the queue, it might be time to explore a better alternative. FacilityForce offers a more hands-on, responsive, and tailored support experience that can help you get the most out of your facility management software.

Here’s why switching from IBM Maximo to FacilityForce could be the upgrade your organization needs...


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Personalized Support Tailored to Your Needs

One of the key differentiators between IBM Maximo and FacilityForce is the level of personalized support provided. IBM Maximo, with its large and diverse user base, often takes a one-size-fits-all approach to customer support. This can lead to long wait times, generic responses, and support staff who may not fully understand the specific challenges faced by your organization.

In contrast, FacilityForce offers a more personalized support experience. Their team is dedicated to understanding the unique needs of each customer, providing tailored solutions and guidance that directly address your specific challenges. Whether it’s troubleshooting technical issues or offering advice on optimizing your software usage, FacilityForce’s support is designed to be responsive, knowledgeable, and directly relevant to your operations.

In-House Expertise for Seamless Service

Another advantage of FacilityForce is that all support and services are handled in-house. This means that when you reach out for assistance, you’re speaking directly with experts who are intimately familiar with the software’s development, functionality, and best practices. There’s no need to navigate through layers of outsourced support teams or deal with communication breakdowns that can occur when support is not directly managed by the software provider.

This in-house approach allows FacilityForce to offer a higher level of service continuity, quicker resolution times, and a deeper understanding of your organization’s needs. You can be confident that the person helping you has the expertise and resources to resolve your issues efficiently.

Proactive Support for Continuous Improvement

FacilityForce doesn’t just react to issues as they arise; they take a proactive approach to support. Their team works closely with clients to identify potential challenges before they become problems, offering ongoing training, system health checks, and regular updates to ensure your software continues to meet your evolving needs. This proactive mindset helps to minimize downtime, optimize system performance, and ensure that you’re always getting the most out of your facility management software.

IBM Maximo users, on the other hand, may find that support is often more reactive, addressing issues only after they have caused disruption. This difference in approach can have a significant impact on your ability to maintain smooth operations and plan for future growth.

Customer Support Headset

A Partner in Your Success

Perhaps the most significant difference between IBM Maximo and FacilityForce is the philosophy behind their support and services. FacilityForce views their relationship with clients as a partnership. They are committed to not just solving your immediate problems but also helping you achieve your long-term facility management goals. This partnership approach means you’re not just a customer—you’re a collaborator in a shared mission to optimize your facility management processes.

This contrasts with the more transactional nature of support that some IBM Maximo users experience. FacilityForce’s commitment to your success translates into more attentive service, a greater willingness to go the extra mile, and a deeper investment in ensuring that your facility management software continues to deliver value.


If you’ve been facing challenges with IBM Maximo’s support and services, it might be time to consider a switch to FacilityForce. With personalized, in-house support, a proactive approach to problem-solving, and a genuine commitment to your success, FacilityForce offers a more responsive, knowledgeable, and effective support experience. Switching to FacilityForce isn’t just about upgrading your software—it’s about gaining a partner who is as invested in your success as you are.

By choosing FacilityForce, you ensure that your facility management software is backed by a team that understands your needs, values your time, and is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. In an industry where efficiency, reliability, and strategic planning are paramount, having the right support can make all the difference.

"Effective facility management isn’t just about having the right software—it's about having a support team that truly understands your needs and works alongside you to solve challenges."
Shane Weissinger
Senior Solutions Engineer


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