Asset Collect & Management


Capturing & managing Asset Data is the foundation for success.

Ahead of their $500M Capitol Square Master Plan Improvement Projects, the Commonwealth of Virginia's Department of General Services has simplified asset collection and management.

"FacilityForce's AssetSync has enabled us to institute a very streamlined process. Our field techs love it and it's saved us a significant amount of time and money." 

A.GriffinAnthony Griffin
Director of Maintenance
& Operations

Commonwealth of Virginia Asset Collect & ManagementVirginia State Capitol 
& Capitol Square Renovations

Why is capturing asset data
crucial to the Commonwealth of Virginia?



In February 2005, the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Department of General Services (DGS) and its consultant team completed a Master Plan for the Virginia Capitol Square complex.

The $500M multi-phase, long-range program was designed for the growth of agencies within the Capitol Square complex, programming space, and an urban design framework to guide future construction.

"These are complex projects that incorporate renovation, the repair of existing infrastructure and new construction, and require the coordination of various design and construction teams as we make improvements to Virginia's historic Capitol."

Joe Damico
Director, Virginia DGS


Virginia Capitol Square Master Plan Goals


Maximize utilization of Commonwealth of Virginia office space in downtown Richmond and define the necessary improvements to achieve maximum utilization.


Contribute to the City of Richmond and broaden the Commonwealth’s efforts to revitalize the downtown, promote tourism, and preserve historic treasures.


Achieve the Commonwealth’s sustainability goals related to conservation and efficiency in the operation of state government.


Connect the Capitol Square complex with the surrounding infrastructure and downtown Richmond.

Space-and-Personnel Optimization

Create a unified, pedestrian-friendly campus by visually and physically integrating the eastern side of the Capitol Square complex with the adjacent historic Capitol Square and buildings.

Capitol Square Construction

Drone Footage of Recent Construction

The master plan recommendations include a combination of renovation and new construction.

The four major work areas of the master plan include:
  • space program and tenant needs analysis
  • site and building assessment for meeting needs
  • long-range master planning for a 20 & 40 year timeframe
  • short-term projects and costs

Every corner of the Virginia Capitol Square is currently under construction.

  • General Assembly Building (414K Sqft)
  • Old City Hall makeover ($55M)
  • Parking Deck (500 units + office space)
  • Capitol Square Tunnel ($25M)
  • Supreme Court & Court of Appeals ($160M)
  • Reid's Row on Governor's Street ($15M)



Master Plan Phases

Phase I:  2010-2020

  1. Selling of Powers Taylor Building (and relocation of tenants to Main Street Centre)
  2. Construction of new 500-space parking deck at Broad Street
  1. Demolition of Aluminum and Zincke Buildings and relocation of tenants to available space
  2. Construction of new open space – Virginia Green
  3. Streetscape improvements to Governor Street and reconfiguration of Old 14th Street and surface parking
  1. Renovation of 9th Street Office Building and Old City Hall
  2. Renovation of Supreme Court of Virginia and Rose and Lafoon Buildings; relocate of functions to renovated 9th Street Office Building and Old City Hall
  3. Construction of a new Broad Street Office Building as an addition to the 9th Street Building

Phase II:  2020-2040

  1. Renovation of Morson Row Buildings; construct new addition
  2. Construction of new low rise Monroe Link building
  1. Addition of parking and site landscape improvements to James Madison Building
  1. Construction of two new buildings on 14th Street

How did Virginia reduce
asset collection manhours by 90%?

Commonwealth of Virginia Asset Collect & Management


By utilizing a new approach to capturing & updating their asset data,

the Department of General Services (DGS) decreased the anticipated number of man-hours to upload and verify over 400 assets for the 9th Street Office Building Project by 90%.

Broad & 9th Street Renovations Project:

The Broad Street Building & 9th Street Office Building Project included designs for the renovation of 175,000 square feet in the 9th Street building and 275,000 square feet of office space in a new building along Broad Street between 8th and 9th Streets.

The 9th Street Office Building was the first project to utilize the new way of capturing asset data.


The "Old" Way 

The "New" Way 

  1. Team of staff gathers information on paper
  2. Take pictures with camera
  3. Transfer pictures and organize them
  4. Enter data info to create asset records
  5. Search for and attach the correct pic(s)
  6. Verify accuracy of data
  7. Revisit the asset for any missing info
  1. Ideally, get a spreadsheet of assets from contractor
  2. Apply QR codes to assets
  3. Use Perform™ mobile app to insert data and take pics
  4. Asset Manager approves updates

"The new way is streamlined, increases your data consistency, and significantly reduces the opportunity for human error."

Kevin Raasch
Vice President of Marketing


Realized Gains


Streamlined System / Centralized Approach


Reliable & Accurate Data


Reduced Opportunity for Human Error


Justified Staff Manhours

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The Team's Response

"We already have a library of Preventive Maintenance templates. Which means as soon as new assets are entered into our system, we can quickly and easily assign them to existing Preventative Maintenance program."

Anthony Griffin
Director of Operations & Maintenance

"Capturing complete and accurate asset data can be a challenge, but it's critical for everything else you do in asset management. The easier you make it to capture the foundation data, the better things are going to be in the long run."

Kevin Raasch
VP of Marketing

"Not only does the new way reduce your asset management manhours, it easily justifies the size of your maintenance team."


Steve Hanes
Director of Customer Success

"FacilityForce's AssetSync and AssetManagement modules have enabled us to institute a very streamlined process and the field techs love it."

Anthony Griffin
Director of Operations & Maintenance

Asset Management Best Practices

#1) Designate & Utilize an "Asset Czar"

An Asset Czar:
  • One person responsible for the standards and integrity of all your asset data
  • Trains, monitors, and enforces data standards and data integrity
  • Reviews and approves new assets or updates

#2) Keep your Asset Inventory up to Date

An Asset Inventory:
  • Is an ROI force multiplier (for good or bad)
  • Needed to calculate your Total Cost of Ownership
  • The basis of all future actions, trends, maintenance, or expenses

#3) Maximize your Optimizations

Utilize a holistic Facilities Management system
  • One integration with your organization's ERP
  • Improves data accuracy, integrity
  • Eliminates "siloed" data

Data becomes information, information becomes knowledge, and with knowledge you can
make informed decisions.

Let's Schedule a Quick Call

If streamlining your asset collection and management is a goal for you,
we should talk.

The journey doesn't start until you take the first step. Schedule an easy, informal call to learn more about how to get started today.

About The Commonwealth of Virginia DGS

The Department of General Services (DGS) makes it easier for government to do business, and Virginians to do business with government, by providing a broad range of services to other state agencies, institutions of higher education, local governments, businesses, and citizens. DGS provides the services that allow agencies to direct their energies toward their core missions without having to worry about the logistics of the operation.
  1. Lead the way in change and innovation
  2. Improve our customers' business processes
  3. Strengthen our customers' safety and security condition
  4. Provide cost effective and efficient services
  5. Effectively develop, manage, and preserve state resources
The Department of General Services (DGS) is a service agency supporting the mission of governments by delivering quality, cost-effective, timely, safe and secure laboratory, engineering and architecture, procurement, real estate, vehicle management, graphic design, mail and surplus sales services.
  • 10,888 owned buildings with 117 million square feet of space
  • Over 6.5 million square feet of facilities managed
  • 10,000+ annual customer-generated service requests
  • 40 buildings managed, including the Capitol and Governor’s Executive Mansion
  • 4 owned/managed properties on National Historic Landmarks
  • 13 owned/managed properties on National Register of Historic Places