
"Real Property Business Solution" Journey

The County of Orange, California continues to actively enroll new divisions into their Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Model using FacilityForce's suite of software. To help establish their vision, OC's Public Works produced this 3-minute video to share with the future departments.

"We now have one place to see a complete picture of all our properties' and assets' true cost burdens."

Tim-CorbettTim Corbett
Chief Deputy Director

The County of Orange's
"Real Property Business Solution" Journey
(3:10 min)

How did The County of Orange simplify their TCO Model?


Government organizations are constantly asked to do "more with less"...

Near the top of that list is utilizing a Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Model to improve decision-making. For many organizations, calculating TCO is difficult because the data is spread across a variety of systems. The process usually takes weeks (if not months) to capture all the relevant information, level-set the various streams of data, and finally interpret what is accurate and meaningful.

Learn how the County of Orange, California has simplified the concept of TCO and utilized FacilityForce to bring visibility and simplicity to complex Real Estate, Inventory, Work Order, Capital Planning, and Procurement systems.


In 2016, The County of Orange made the decision to improve how they managed their real estate properties and assets.

The County of Orange was unable to make effective business decisions without weeks of data gathering and analysis.

Too many systems (with separate, distinct data) were spread across numerous departments, which made identifying a Total Cost of Ownership largely impossible.


Initiative Goals

Informed Decision Making

🏢 The ability to make real property business decisions using the principle of TCO

Efficiency Gains

✅ Increase maintenance efficiency and overall asset reliability, by leveraging newer technologies
✅ Increase the ability to conduct more administrative duties via a single enterprise centralized system

Enterprise-wide Visibility

🛠️ Develop accurate and detailed asset management information, so informed decisions can be made

Technology Integration

🔗 Integrate software solutions with the County's current Accounting and Purchasing system (CGI)

The Journey to Efficiency Timeline

{Click the red dots to see each year's events.}

  1. Ready for Change


    In 2016, The County of Orange took a hard look at their real estate and asset management systems and decided it was time to make a change. Their methodology employed multiple systems that were expensive, redundant, and scattered across agencies. Over the course of the next two years The County of Orange went to work assessing and auditing their requirements.

  2. Building the Vision


    Establishing a vision and enabling all the necessary stakeholders was a necessary but heavy lift. Another important aspect involved streamlining and adopting a new, centralized way to capture the various streams of data across multiple agencies. In 2018, The County of Orange selected AssetWorks (now FacilityForce) to begin their Total Cost of Ownership journey.

  3. Getting to Work


    • • Built Property Index
    • • Built the Demand for Capital Requirements
    • • Built the Demand for Maintenance Requirements
    • • AssetWorks Suite of Software (now FacilityForce) goes live
    • • County Real Estate Database & Facility Administration software were retired
    • • Property inventory and the County's ERP began publishing in AiM (now Operate)

  4. Implementation


    • • FacilityForce is carved out of AssetWorks
    • • Legacy EAM system is decommissioned
    • • Work orders begin flowing through the system
    • • Data Analytics integration between AiM (now Operate) & Microsoft Products

  5. Efficiencies Gained


    • • Began seeing the realized gains
    • • The County of Orange received “FacilityForce’s Steve Deines Achievement Award”
    • • Another legacy EAM system is decommissioned
    • • Sheriffs Department and other users are adopted

  6. Future Goals


    • • Vertical & Horizontal Index for Asset Management
    • • Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) schedule
    • • Capital Planning & Project Management module will go live
    • • Utilizing the Asset Lifecycle Analysis
    • • Flood & Road Departments will be adopted
    • • Employ the ESRI Indoors tool, map the assets, tie it back to a cost, and visualize the results with a 3D model

The TCO Model

The County of Orange simplified the concept of their TCO.

Utilizing FacilityForce's suite of solutions and their ERP system, The County of Orange has brought visibility, simplicity, and accuracy to their very complex Real Estate, Inventory, Work Order, Capital Planning, and Procurement systems. This integrated, real property business solution now streamlines decision making for the County, with the principle of TCO modeled into the system.

User Adoption

Utilizing the MS Teams Integration

Training 18,000 County employees to use the AiM (now Operate) software would have been a challenging hurdle. Instead, The County of Orange found success by utilizing the MS Teams integration.

  • Over 95% of employees were already familiar with MS Teams.
  • AiM BIRT reports were embedded directly into MS Teams and invited staff into the appropriate, private channels.
  • The relevant data is easily disseminated to the individual departments.

The Orange County's Realized Gains

Streamlined System / Centralized Approach

Maximizing the Value & Utility of County Properties

Cost per SqFt. Spending by Department, Facility, & Location

Realtime Data on All Assets & Work Orders

Holistic Ecosystem of Usable Data Upon Click

Delivering the Right Data to the Right Users

Property & Asset Indexing Lifecycle Cost Analysis

Reduction of Tedious Administrative Man-hours


Data becomes information, information becomes knowledge, and with knowledge you can
make informed decisions.

The County of Orange Award Presentation

"2022 Steve Deines Achievement Award"

This 50-minute presentation is more than just The County of Orange accepting their 2022 Steve Deines Achievement Award. The team walks through their journey to achieving Total Cost of Ownership from start to finish.


"We have turned inefficient and outdated government processes spread across loose excel files, on multiple staff computers, into a reliable centralized location with data viewable by all of our executives at any time."

Thomas "Mat" Miller
Chief Real Estate Officer

Keys to Their Success


A Clear Vision

The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step and inevitably, even the best laid plans will experience setbacks. Having a clear vision to fall back on will help everybody keep focused and moving toward the end goal.


Committed Executive Leadership

We all know change is never easy, and it requires strong leadership. Those leaders who are firmly committed and can move past the challenges, will push the team towards success.


Shared Alignment & Execution

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. A team that is responsive, accountable, and deadline-driven is worth their weight in gold.


Ease of Adoption

Big initiatives impact everybody from the top down and not everybody is going to be immediately on board. Having a clear and simple communication plan will help bring any laggards up to speed faster.

"We now have one place to see a complete picture of

all our properties and assets' true cost burdens."

Tim Corbett
Chief Deputy Director


The Team's Responses


About The County of Orange

Orange County is the home of exciting professional sports, a wide range of tourist attractions and quality venues for visual and performing arts. Orange County boasts a thriving business economy and a well educated work force. The County of Orange is a regional service provider and planning agency whose core businesses include public safety, public health, environmental protection, regional planning, public assistance, social services and aviation.

  • Area: 948 mi²
  • Population: 3.168 million (2021)
  • Area: 948 mi² (6th Largest County in the Nation)
  • Number of Employees: 18,000
  • Buildings: 600
  • Square Footage: 20,000,000
  • Current ERP: CGI
"Making Orange County a safe, healthy, and fulfilling place to live, work, and play, today and for generations to come, by providing outstanding, cost-effective regional public services."
Modeling the following core values in everything we do:
  • Respect
  • Integrity
  • Caring
  • Trust
  • Excellence
We strive to be a high quality model governmental agency that delivers services to the community in ways that demonstrate:
  • Excellence - Provide responsive and timely services
  • Leadership - Leverage available resources as we partner with regional businesses and other governmental entities
  • Stewardship - Seek cost-effective and efficient methods
  • Innovation - Use leading-edge innovative technology
We commit to creating a positive, service-oriented culture which:
  • Attracts and retains the best and the brightest
  • Fosters a spirit of collaboration and partnership internally and externally
  • Supports creativity, innovation, and responsiveness
  • Demonstrates a “can-do” attitude in accomplishing timely results
  • Creates a fun, fulfilling and rewarding working environment

Let's Schedule a Quick Call

If simplifying TCO is a goal for you,
we should talk.

The journey doesn't start until you take the first step. Schedule an easy, informal call to learn more about how to get started today.